Is your January goal ONLY in your head?

Is your January goal ONLY in your head?


Perhaps you have decided to eat healthier in January, is it just a thought in your head? If so write it down now. Research has shown that by writing down your goal you are more likely to achieve it. 

By writing it down it helps focus your intentions, otherwise life can get in the way and you are too busy or it gets forgotten.

Once you have wrote it down, go that step further and think about how you can achieve this. Break it down into achievable actions. For example, plan the meals for the week (I plan mine using my weekly planner, swap your morning coffee for water.

Stick your goal up on your mirror/fridge so you can see it daily as a reminder. 

My top tip is (depending on the goal) to do 1 week at a time until it becomes a habit. I use my Monthly tracker and give myself a tick each day when I've achieve my aim but only think of 1 week at a time. 

So if your page is still blank or the space on your calendar, have a think and write it down. If you want to make a habit of it, then use my monthly tracker.  





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